Customize perspective

It is important to customize your Eclipse workbench perspectives.
eUML2 Modeler diagrams and functions can be customized using the Customize Perspective.

You can customize your diagram perspective using the following elements:

  1. Customize Perspective
  2. Toolbar


1. Customize Perspective

Select in the menu bar Window > Customize Perspective, then Shortcuts tab:

Every selected diagram will be available directly from the menu bar: select  File > New submenu

2. Toolbar

The workbench window's toolbar can be customized for UML needs. Select from the menu bar Window > Customize Perspective, then commands tab:

The two following icons will be shown in the Workbench window's toolbar.

  1. Create UML diagrams by activating the drop-down menu (simply click on the down arrow)
  2. Open an existing diagram by clicking on the icon